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Home / cs-notes / Language / Markdown / plantuml / Sequence Diagram / Creole and HTML

participant Alice
participant "The **Famous** Bob" as Bob

Alice -> Bob : hello --there--
... Some ~~long delay~~ ...
Bob -> Alice : ok
note left
  This is **bold**
  This is //italics//
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is --stroked--
  This is __underlined__
  This is ~~waved~~
end note

Alice -> Bob : A //well formatted// message
note right of Alice
 This is <back:cadetblue><size:18>displayed</size></back>
 __left of__ Alice.
end note
note left of Bob
 <u:red>This</u> is <color #118888>displayed</color>
 **<color purple>left of</color> <s:red>Alice</strike> Bob**.
end note
note over Alice, Bob
 <w:#FF33FF>This is hosted</w> by <img sourceforge.jpg>
end note