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Home / cs-notes / Language / Java / Others / Serialization / ObjectStreamClass

    /** class-defined writeObject method, or null if none */
    private Method writeObjectMethod;
    /** class-defined readObject method, or null if none */
    private Method readObjectMethod;
    /** class-defined readObjectNoData method, or null if none */
    private Method readObjectNoDataMethod;
    /** class-defined writeReplace method, or null if none */
    private Method writeReplaceMethod;
    /** class-defined readResolve method, or null if none */
    private Method readResolveMethod;
     * Invokes the readObject method of the represented serializable class.
     * Throws UnsupportedOperationException if this class descriptor is not
     * associated with a class, or if the class is externalizable,
     * non-serializable or does not define readObject.
    void invokeReadObject(Object obj, ObjectInputStream in)
        throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException,
     * Invokes the readResolve method of the represented serializable class and
     * returns the result.  Throws UnsupportedOperationException if this class
     * descriptor is not associated with a class, or if the class is
     * non-serializable or does not define readResolve.
    Object invokeReadResolve(Object obj)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException