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Home / cs-notes / Architecture / Components / Metrics / Basic / Snapshot

     * Returns the value at the 75th percentile in the distribution.
     * @return the value at the 75th percentile
    public double get75thPercentile() {
        return getValue(0.75);

     * Returns the value at the 95th percentile in the distribution.
     * @return the value at the 95th percentile
    public double get95thPercentile() {
        return getValue(0.95);

     * Returns the value at the 98th percentile in the distribution.
     * @return the value at the 98th percentile
    public double get98thPercentile() {
        return getValue(0.98);

     * Returns the value at the 99th percentile in the distribution.
     * @return the value at the 99th percentile
    public double get99thPercentile() {
        return getValue(0.99);

     * Returns the value at the 99.9th percentile in the distribution.
     * @return the value at the 99.9th percentile
    public double get999thPercentile() {
        return getValue(0.999);
     * Returns the highest value in the snapshot.
     * @return the highest value
    public abstract long getMax();

     * Returns the arithmetic mean of the values in the snapshot.
     * @return the arithmetic mean
    public abstract double getMean();

     * Returns the lowest value in the snapshot.
     * @return the lowest value
    public abstract long getMin();

     * Returns the standard deviation of the values in the snapshot.
     * @return the standard value
    public abstract double getStdDev();

     * Returns the median value in the distribution.
     * @return the median value
    public double getMedian() {
        return getValue(0.5);
     * Returns the value at the given quantile.
     * @param quantile    a given quantile, in {@code [0..1]}
     * @return the value in the distribution at {@code quantile}
    public abstract double getValue(double quantile);
     * Returns the entire set of values in the snapshot.
     * @return the entire set of values
    public abstract long[] getValues();