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Home / cs-notes / Language / Java / Concurrent / Code / Future / FutureTask / Constructor


     * Creates a {@code FutureTask} that will, upon running, execute the
     * given {@code Callable}.
     * @param  callable the callable task
     * @throws NullPointerException if the callable is null
    public FutureTask(Callable<V> callable) {
        if (callable == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        this.callable = callable;
        this.state = NEW;       // ensure visibility of callable
     * Creates a {@code FutureTask} that will, upon running, execute the
     * given {@code Runnable}, and arrange that {@code get} will return the
     * given result on successful completion.
     * @param runnable the runnable task
     * @param result the result to return on successful completion. If
     * you don't need a particular result, consider using
     * constructions of the form:
     * {@code Future<?> f = new FutureTask<Void>(runnable, null)}
     * @throws NullPointerException if the runnable is null
    public FutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) {
        this.callable = Executors.callable(runnable, result);
        this.state = NEW;       // ensure visibility of callable