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Home / cs-notes / Architecture / Components / Netty / Handler / ChannelInitializer / removeState

    // We use a Set as a ChannelInitializer is usually shared between all Channels in a Bootstrap /
    // ServerBootstrap. This way we can reduce the memory usage compared to use Attributes.
    private final Set<ChannelHandlerContext> initMap = Collections.newSetFromMap(
            new ConcurrentHashMap<ChannelHandlerContext, Boolean>());
    private void removeState(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx) {
        // The removal may happen in an async fashion if the EventExecutor we use does something funky.
        if (ctx.isRemoved()) {
        } else {
            // The context is not removed yet which is most likely the case because a custom EventExecutor is used.
            // Let's schedule it on the EventExecutor to give it some more time to be completed in case it is offloaded.
            ctx.executor().execute(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {